achieve Sustainable Development through the empowerment of women

The PCPD is committed to working towards the 2030 Agenda; to achieve Sustainable Development through the empowerment of women and girls and the realization of human rights and gender equality for all people.

Thus we believe in Goal 5; Gender (female/male) representation in global government will be equal. We believe that more women in politics makes for stronger democracies, therefore, we have to create equal opportunities for female leadership and participation at all levels of decision making processes. This involves adopting and strengthening sound policies and enforcing legislations that promote gender equality. Goal 10; reducing inequalities through empowering and promoting the social, economic and political inclusion of all.

In order to enhance women’s full participation in the electoral process we #rst need to motivate women to participate in the elections.

This can be done through increasing their political in$uence and educating voters on issues pertaining to women and girls. Goal 16; Peace and justice within strong institutions will ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision making at all levels.

We believe that increased female representation within local governments is the #rst step towards female participation in other decision making positions. Because of this, we believe that it is crucial to begin with fair gender representation.

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