45 hours of training course
As part of the "Musawat" project, three participants of the Palestinian Center for Peace and Democracy (PCPD) took part in a 45 hours of training course on freedom of belief and nonviolent skills at the Academic University for Nonviolence and Human Rights University - Aunohr in Lebanon, supported by the Pax for Peace Organization.
Participants were trained on the importance of nonviolent communication and its principles, concept and skills, what freedom of thought, conscience and religion or belief is, how many wars have erupted under the pretext of religion, how to prevent them and respect the beliefs of others. They also learned about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its precedents and what followed, the concept of transitional justice and its importance for the state and community. Additionally, the training took into account the mental state of the participants, and provided them with sophisticated and important material on the psychological side.