Summer camp in Burqa, Nablus

The "We want to speak freely" summer camp was a six-day program for 42 primary and middle school students from the village of Burqa.

The camp was supervised by a group of supporters and volunteers for the PCPD and aimed to provide a space for participants to express their experiences and aspirations for living in a free, independent Palestinian state. The camp included a variety of activities such as national and civil education, drawing, sports, singing, and theatre. The goal of the camp was to create a space for both male and female participants to express themselves and their dreams for a dignified life in a state that respects the freedoms and rights of all citizens regardless of gender, religion, color, or political affiliation.

One of the most significant outputs of the camp was an exhibition of 42 paintings created by the participants, which focused on themes of freedom and freedom of expression. The exhibition was held in the village council hall and was attended by the students' families, political party activists, and civil society members from the town. The artwork on display was a reflection of the participants' experiences and aspirations for the future. It is worth mentioning that Palestinian artist and trainer Mr. Majd Al-Masri trained and mentored the participants during the second half of the camp, helping them to improve their drawing skills and express themselves through art.

In addition to the exhibition, the camp also featured a theatrical sketch and a singing performance. The ceremony ended with a performance of the Palestinian Dabkeh dance by the camp's supervisors and volunteers, to the tune of the song "Ali al-Kufiyah" by Palestinian artist Muhammad Assaf. During the summer camp, various stationary supplies were passed out to the participants such as school bags and pencil cases. Overall, the camp provided a valuable opportunity for the students to express themselves, learn new skills and to have a safe and fun place for them to enjoy away from the occupation.

42 youth participated in the summer camp and 7 volunteers and friends of the PCPD attended. As well as the trainer, and citizen of Burqa.

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